Something Old IS Something New

Houston Letterpress Invitations

Don’t get us wrong. We love our iPads and Droids and Spanx and Priuses (Prii?) as much as anyone. But some stuff, especially WEDDING stuff, is perfect the way it is and has always been. Take, for instance, letterpress invitations. The letterpress technique, which involves individually arranging, inking and pressing blocks of print onto paper, has remained almost unchanged for centuries. And guess what? It’s back in high style–and STILL makes for a singularly stunning invitation.

Now, take Katie Hackedorn of Houston’s Katie & Co. Sure, she’s a thoroughly modern designer—and among the very best anywhere. Nevertheless, our girl Katie LOVES letterpress. “I like the vintage look of it, and the texture of the paper is very luxurious to the touch,” she tells HWB. Plus, letterpress is incredibly versatile, and can be used to create unique, original designs and patterns that no other technique can duplicate.

And finally, take a look at Katie & Co.’s coveted invitation design work, including a spectacular box invitation (above, left) in muted ivories and metallic pinks, with rhinestone-centered flowers and tulle bows. Gorgeous!

Katie & Co. Houston

Katie Hackedorn Photo: D. Jones Photography

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